Time series from known systems

Epileptic EEG records

Time series features

Time series from known systems

  1. Time series from the Mackey-Glass system of delay differential equation:

  • Change of the delay parameter Δ from 17, to 30 and 100 at each segment of 50000 points. The data are corrupted with additional normal white noise at 80% levelMGDivDeltan80.dat (ascii)

  • Change of the delay parameter Δ from 50to 75 and 100 at each segment of 50000 points. MGD50D75D100.dat (ascii)

  • Change of the delay parameter Δ from 100to 200 and 300 at each segment of 50000 points MGD100D200D300.dat (ascii)

Epileptic EEG records

All the EEG records are provided by the Oslo University Hospital (Rikshospitalet), Section of Neurosurgery (former National Center of Epilepsy), Norway (see also www.epilepsy.no ). The contact person and in charge of the registrations is Section Director Pål G Larsson.

  1. Exemplary small segments from one channel of an scalp EEG record:

  • During epileptic seizure, sampling time 1/200 secepilepticEEG.dat (ascii)

  • At regular activity, sampling time 1/200 secnormalEEG.dat (ascii)

  1. Small multi-channel scalp EEG records:  

  • One hour record from 10 channels, where the last part contains an epileptic seizure of generalized tonic-clonic type, sampling time 1/256 secpreictal.dat (file in ascii), preictal.edf (file in edf)

  • The records above at sampling time 1/100 seceeg.zip (compressed file in ascii), eeg.dat (file in ascii)

  1. Long multi-channel scalp EEG records:  

All records in this section are labeled with a capital letter and are given in the following files:
1. A plain text file of a brief description of the record, e.g. Einfo.txt.
2. A zipped file of the whole multi-channel recording over several hours, e.g. E.zip. The unzipped file is either in plain text format (ascii) or in edf format (for edf format see http://www.edfplus.info ).
3. A number of indexed zipped filesEach file contains segments of 5 min from the whole recording and the segments are ordered according to the running index of the files, e.g. E1.zip contains the first 5 min, E2.zip the next 5 min, etc.

If you want to download many or all files from a directory (like Data/E) in one go, you may want to install first a manager downloader like flashget from http://www.flashget.com (freeware).  

List of data directories and files

Time series features

Features extracted from time series data bases from the Mackey-Glass system of delay differential equation

The simulation experiment involves 1148 data bases. Each data base contains 150 time series of 1000 samples each from the Mackey-Glass system of delay differential equation. The first 50 time series are for delay parameter Δ=100, the other 50 time series for Δ=200,and the last 50 time series for Δ=300, so that there are three classes (regimes of Mackey-Glass system) of equal many cases represented in the data base. The data are sampled with sampling time Δdt, where dt=0.1 is the discretization step (the time series were generated in Matlab using the dde23 solver of delay differential equation).

For each time series, 366 features were computed.

The name and a short description of each of the 366 features are given in the excel file AllmeasDescr.xls .

One file containing a matrix of size 150 x 366 of the features (in columns) computed for each of the 150 time series (in rows). The file regards the first of the 1148 realizations: MGD100D200D300r1.dat.

The 1148 files, each containing a matrix of size 150 x 366, are contained in one rar-compressed file:  MGdatabaseFeatures.rar .